Comprehensive Career Coaching
At Better Tomorrow, our strength is our ability to quickly and personally connect with people, understand their needs and goals, and help them find solutions to achieve their goals. But we know you are not a robot and your goals, the challenges you face, and the path forward requires an understand of you as a whole person. We have extensive experience helping people at every stage of their career.
Motivational Speaking
Like most people, 2020 presented our company with unforeseen challenges, causing us to pivot and make some lemonade! Our co-founder, Ben O'Donnell, was the first critical Covid-19 case in the state of Minnesota and nearly lost his life. A healthy 38-year-old triathlete and Ironman, he was the first Covid-19 patient in the United States to survive being put on ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation), a machine that served as his heart and lungs for 12 days. An experience like that changes you, but you get to choose how it changes you. It tests your grit, your perseverance, and sharpens your perspective on your life. This experience has changed our company for the better and we are excited to bring you this new service.

Comprehensive Career Coaching

New Graduate
Let us help you make the transition from student to professional, holding your hand as make your first step into the workplace. Our co-founder, Deanna O'Donnell, Ph.D., is a former university professor. During that chapter of her career she founded a professional development program for undergraduate students, coaching them through all the things you "should" do in college but no one tells you how to do them. This one-on-one coaching service would be a great graduation gift!

Does this sound like you? You love your company and stand behind their mission. Your have found your job fulfilling in the past but you are craving more opportunities for growth. You are hungry and you know you have more to offer the world. But how does one take this mysterious path up the corporate ladder into an executive role? Our team has experience helping people navigate these murky waters and through the door into the executive role of their dreams.

Fresh Start
You have made the brave choice to change course and step into a new career. Good for you! At Better Tomorrow, we understand that life does not always go as planned and sometimes change is the next right thing. We also know that you are not a job title. You have developed a treasure trove of skills that you can transfer to your next adventure. There is hard work ahead but it is EXCITING work and we would love to support you through this transition to get you on your next path.
Motivational Speaking
At Better Tomorrow, we believe that lives can change for the better when we share our stories. We are all more alike than we often recognize and stories remind us of that truth. Stories are how we learn; inspiring us to think bigger, change our perspective on our circumstances, inspire us to look within and also reach higher than we thought possible. They often lead us to find gratitude in what we do have in life. And the powerful thing about stories is that we can learn the lesson of the storyteller without going through the same hardships if we listen with an open mind and heart.
Ben O'Donnell is an inspirational speaker with the ability to grab an audience quickly through his effective storytelling and personable approach. He believes life is about continual improvement, which is a mindset and a journey that is never ending and involves looking inside, not outside. He is passionate about helping others discover that for themselves. But you are not going to hear him give the tired recycled messages of traditional motivational speakers, defining success and the personal sacrifices and costs it takes to get there. For so many years Ben was doing all the "right" things to create a world that he and society had defined as successful. Nearly losing the life you had worked so hard to create for yourself changes you and gives you a type of clarity that humans have difficulty finding in the absences of tragedy. The tragic and joyous events in his life over the previous few years had already started him on a path taking stock in things, reevaluating his values and goals, and then taking steps to reprioritize his career, the people in his life, and his health to better live those values.
Recalibrate the definition of success is his new formula. Own and then live your own definition of success. His life experience has taught him that a job is a pin on a map and a career is a journey. Your career should support your values and goals, both personally and professionally. To live that philosophy, you are going to have to make difficult decisions and be comfortable with change, at least in the short term. The people in your life serve a purpose, short or long term, and the ones who earn a spot in your inner circle should be prioritized. And with all of that in mind, Ben will also tell you that the body you were given at birth is a gift, cliché but true. A truth he knows all too well. It is the biological machine that transports you, gives you the power to move mountains, and can bring you down if you do not protect it, understand how it works, and prioritize its function. Only then will you be able to sustainably live your definition of success. Check out his story highlighted in various news outlets below and see for yourself. We would love to work with your school or organization to set up a speaking engagement.
During the pandemic, we are offering this service through video conferencing to protect the health of our customers and our team.
In the news...
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Star Tribune
Ironman who beat COVID-19 back in training
By: Elizabeth Flores | July 5, 2020
Star Tribune
Minnesota Ironman who beat COVID-19 back in training
By: Jeremy Olson | July 8, 2020